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Pampers wants your baby to be in their upcoming print ad! The Pampers campaign is holding auditions in San Francisco for East Indian babies. As one of the largest disposable diapers companies, they have come a long way since 1961. Victor Mills, P&G engineer and researcher, was inspired by his baby grandson to design a […]
It isn’t uncommon for new parents to find the idea of their baby being a model appealing. If you find yourself in such a position, and would like to learn more on how to develop a portfolio to get your baby some modeling gigs, read on. The six simple steps below will carry you a […]
Many people try to find some modeling jobs for their kids these days. If you are one of those parents, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about finding jobs and landing gigs for your kids. First of all, it is important to […]
Have you always felt that your child has a certain special something? Do you family, friends and even strangers comment on how cute your kid is? If so he or she could become the next face of babyGap or GapKids in 2014. This is a great opportunity share your childs face with millions and let […]
Everyone likes sweet and cute babies because they have a natural ability to attract people. That is why most of the modeling companies now give preference to baby models. In today’s age baby modeling has taken the place of a competitive business. People who think that their baby is gorgeous and he or she has […]
It is possible for a child to begin a career while still on diapers. Child models have their own share of popularity in the child modeling scene. You may have probably heard that the modeling industry is no place for children. However, quite a good number of parents are not shying away from involving their […]
Just about all mothers believe their kids are beautiful, but let us admit it. Several babies are much prettier than others. In the event that your baby comes under this type of category then you’ve possibly believed your baby to try in modeling. It is a variety of benefits. The first getting that you might […]